OpenDRC: An Open-Source Implementation
of the DRC Model

 OpenDRC: Open-Sourced DRC executable

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OpenDRC is the key program in the OpenDRC package. This program has been built to runable in the same fashion as the Coltheart, Rastle, Perry, Langdon and Ziegler (2001) DRC1.2.1 executable.

OpenDRC Examples:

  • OpenDRC can be run with a single test word (some versions require lower case test-words) as follows:

         OpenDRC <test-word>

    for example:

         OpenDRC word

    ... and the results would look something like this:
        ; OpenDRC Model version 1.0 (DRC1.2 Equivalent)
        ; - Visual Feature and Letter Layer units: 8 Phoneme Layer: 8
        ; Language: Australian English
        ; - Version: 1.1.6
        ; - Date: April 2nd, 2009
        ; - Created by: Macquarie Centre for Cognitive Science, Macquarie University, Australia.
        ; - URL:
        ; Language Parsing Results:
        ; - Letters: 27 Visual Features: 14 Phonemes: 45 Stress Types: 0
        ; - Orthographic Lexicon entries: 7970 (skipped 10 that were too large)
        ; - Phonological Lexicon entries: 7123 (using COMBINED entries for homophones)
        ; - Multi-Letter rules: 68 Context-Sensitive rules: 27 Two-Letter rules: 93
        ; - One-To-Multi rules: 2 Single-Letter rules: 38 Output rules: 8
        ; - Body rules: 829 Stress rules: 0
        ; Minimum activation level reported: 2.000000e-02
        ; Naming threshold: 0.400000
        ; OpenDRC  Copyright (C) 2011  Alan Angold
        ;   This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.  This is free software, and
        ;   you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.  See the included
        ;   file 'GNU General Public License, version 3 _GPLv3_.pdf' for details.
        ;   OpenDRC URL: 
        word w3d 87 NAMED CORRECT
  • To run OpenDRC with a batch file:

         OpenDRC -b <batch-file>

  • Running OpenDRC to produce an ACTS file:

         OpenDRC -a <test-word>

  • Running OpenDRC with an altered OIL->LL Excitation parameter (all other excitation/inhibition parameters are also accessible):

         OpenDRC -P OrthlexLetterExcitation 0.50 <test-word>

  • Running OpenDRC with the DRC1.2(.1) language files. Create a file English1.1.6.prm(DRC1.2) containing:
    	-P PathDefParam		DRC1.2/Languages/english-1.1.6/default.parameters
    	-P PathGPCRules		DRC1.2/Languages/english-1.1.6/gpcrules
    	-P PathLetters		DRC1.2/Languages/english-1.1.6/letters
    	-P PathPhonemes		DRC1.2/Languages/english-1.1.6/phonemes
    	-P PathProperties	DRC1.2/Languages/english-1.1.6/properties
    	-P PathVocabulary	DRC1.2/Languages/english-1.1.6/vocabulary
    or English1.1.7.prm(DRC1.2.1) containing:
    	-P PathDefParam		DRC1.2.1/Languages/english-1.1.7/default.parameters
    	-P PathGPCRules		DRC1.2.1/Languages/english-1.1.7/gpcrules
    	-P PathLetters		DRC1.2.1/Languages/english-1.1.7/letters
    	-P PathPhonemes		DRC1.2.1/Languages/english-1.1.7/phonemes
    	-P PathProperties	DRC1.2.1/Languages/english-1.1.7/properties
    	-P PathVocabulary	DRC1.2.1/Languages/english-1.1.7/vocabulary
    and then run OpenDRC with one of the following two commands. This allows you to change languages between runs with a minimum of fuss:

         OpenDRC -p English1.1.6.prm <test-word>

         OpenDRC -p English1.1.7.prm <test-word>

    NOTE: The above two parameter lists assume that the DRC1.2 and DRC1.2.1 directories are subdirectoris of your OpenDRC directory. If they are elsewhere then these parameter files need to be changed to reference the DRC directories from where OpenDRC will be run.

  • A typical run of OpenDRC using the English1.1.7.prm language parameter file above, using a parameter file OpenDRC.prm for the current run's parameters, generating ACTS files, and running a batch of words/non-words can be accomplished with the command:

         OpenDRC -p English1.1.7 -p OpenDRC.prm -a -b <batch-file>

OpenDRC help:

Help for OpenDRC can be obtained by issuing the command OpenDRC -h which displays:

    Usage: drc [OPTIONS]... [WORD] [MAXCYCLES]
    Model Alteration Options:
      -l LANGUAGE - Use the language specified (default english1.1.6). (N/W)
      -no VALUE   - Set the number of units in the visual feature & letter layers. (N/W)
      -np VALUE   - Set the number of units in the phoneme layer
    				(for -no & -np the default values depend on the language used). (N/W)
      -P PRM VAL  - Set parameter PRM to value VAL.
      -Params     - Display entire list of parameters.
      -p FILE     - Read parameters from FILE. (N/W)
      -s          - Give homophones separate entries in the phonological lexicon.
    Simulation Options:
      -c          - Continue running cycles until MAXCYCLES is reached, even if the
    				stimuli is named before then.
    Batch File Options:
      -b FILE     - Process batch file (use '-b --' for stdin).
      --bpart S N - Process at most N lines of the batch file, starting at line S
    				(blank & comment lines are ignored for line-counting purposes).
      -x NUM      - Abort batch jobs when NUM incorrect results have occurred.
      -T          - Test the batch file for errors (do not execute) (NEW).
    Stepping Through Parameter Values:
    			  - Run this simulation NUMSTEPS times, starting with parameter
    				PRM set to value STARTVAL and increasing it incrementally so
    				that PRM will be set to ENDVAL on the final step.
    				This argument may be used multiple times, for example:
    				  drc -S GPCOnset 5 7 3 -S ActivationRate 0.2 0.5 4 word
    Simulation Output Options:
      -A EXT      - Set the filename extension for activation files (sets -a).
      -a          - Save activation levels.
      -e          - Report extra information in the screen output & RT/stats files.
      -m VALUE    - Report only activation levels <= VALUE (default 0.02).
      --nofiles   - Suppress creation of all output files.
      -r EXT      - Set the filename extension for the RT file.
      --rdir DIR  - Create output files in the directory named DIR.
    				DIR will be created if it doesn't exist.
      -t          - Report simulation duration(s) in ms.(N/A)
      -v          - Pronounce the model's output audibly (Mac OS X only) (N/A).
      -f FLAG     - Toggle an output flag (FLAG), use -f for list. (NEW)
    Utility Options:
      Simulations are not run when using these options. The described behaviour is
      performed instead. For --reg, --regcheck, --stress and --whammies, multiple
      inputs can be run using I/O redirection. For example:
    	 drc --reg < inputfilename   > outputfilename
      --irreglist - List all the words in the selected language which are irregular
    				(the pronunciation produced by the GPC rules does not match the
    				vocabulary) (N/A)
      --irregstress              - List all the words in the selected language which have
    				irregular stress (the stress pattern selected by the GPC stress
    				rules does not match the stress pattern in the vocabulary) (N/A)
      --reg       - read words from stdin and apply GPC rules to them (N/A)
      --reglist   - list all the words in the selected language which are regular (N/A)
      --stress    - read words from stdin and apply GPC stress rules to them (N/A)
      --whammies  - read words from stdin and list whammies for them (N/A)
      --homophones- list all words in vocabulary that are homophones (NEW)
      --homographs- list all words in vocabulary that are homographs (NEW)
    			  - list of neighbourhood of nonword and size (NEW)
    Other Options:
      -h, --help  - Display this help and exit
      --version   - Display version numbers and exit
      -o FILE     - Read command-line options from FILE

OpenDRC Command-Line Parameters:

OpenDRC has an extensive list of command-line alterable parameters. The list can be displayed using the command OpenDRC -Params and will display (the ';' and '#' characters indicate start of comments):

    ; Internal parameter list
    ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    GPCOnset                 = 26       # Cycles before first letter available to GPCRoute
    SimNumSteps              = 1        # Set number of steps in simulation of parameter N/I.
    MaxErrors                = 10       # Maximum number of batch file errors before failure
    BatchFileStart           = 0        # Start line in batch file (not implemented).
    BatchFileLines           = 1000000  # Number of batch file lines to execute N/I.
    MaxCycles                = 1000     # Maximum number of cycles for simulation
    PhonemeUnits             = 8        # Width in characters of output DRC Phoneme Buffer N/I.
    VisualFeatureLetterUnits = 8        # Width in characters of input DRC Feature Layer N/I.
    ActivationRate           = 0.200000 # Scaling of input excitation/inhibition/CFS values (Epsilon)
    FrequencyScale           = 0.050000 # Scaling for written and spoken CFS values
    MinReadingPhonology      = 0.400000 # Word recognition threshold value
    ReportActGreater         = 0.020000 # Report activations greater than this threshold.
    SimStartVal              = 0.000000 # Simulation start-range value N/I.
    SimEndVal                = 1.000000 # Simulation end-range value N/I.
    FeatureFeatureInhibition = 0.000000 # FL->FL Lateral Inhibition parameter N/I.
    FeatureLetterExcitation  = 0.005000 # FL->LL Excitation parameter.
    FeatureLetterInhibition  = 0.150000 # FL->LL Inhibition parameter.
    FeatureNoise             = 0.000000 # FL Noise N/I.
    FeatureDecay             = 0.000000 # FL Decay (Theta) N/I.
    LetterFeatureExcitation  = 0.000000 # LL->OIL Excitation parameter N/I.
    LetterFeatureInhibition  = 0.000000 # LL->OIL Inhibition parameter N/I.
    LetterLateralInhibition  = 0.000000 # LL->LL Inhibition parameter.
    LetterOrthlexExcitation  = 0.070000 # LL->OIL Excitation parameter.
    LetterOrthlexInhibition  = 0.480000 # LL->OIL Inhibition parameter.
    LetterGPCExcitation      = 1.000000 # LL->GPC Excitation parameter N/I.
    LetterGPCInhibition      = 0.000000 # LL->GPC Inhibition parameter N/I.
    LetterNoise              = 0.000000 # LL Noise N/I.
    LetterDecay              = 0.000000 # LL Decay (Theta).
    OrthlexLetterExcitation  = 0.300000 # OIL->LL Excitation parameter.
    OrthlexLetterInhibition  = 0.000000 # OIL->LL Inhibition parameter.
    OrthlexLateralInhibition = 0.060000 # OIL->OIL Inhibition parameter.
    OrthlexPhonlexExcitation = 0.250000 # OIL->POL Excitation parameter.
    OrthlexPhonlexInhibition = 0.000000 # OIL->POL Inhibition parameter.
    OILNoise                 = 0.000000 # OIL Noise N/I.
    OILDecay                 = 0.000000 # OIL Decay (Theta).
    OILCFSInhibition         = 1.000000 # OIL Specific freqency scaling N/I.
    PhonlexOrthlexExcitation = 0.250000 # POL->OIL Excitation parameter.
    PhonlexOrthlexInhibition = 0.000000 # POL->OIL Inhibition parameter.
    PhonlexLateralInhibition = 0.070000 # POL->POL Inhibition parameter.
    PhonlexPhonemeExcitation = 0.090000 # POL->PB Excitation parameter.
    PhonlexPhonemeInhibition = 0.000000 # POL->PB Inhibition parameter.
    POLNoise                 = 0.000000 # POL Noise N/I.
    POLDecay                 = 0.000000 # POL Decay (Theta).
    POLCFSInhibition         = 1.000000 # POL Specific freqency scaling N/I.
    PhonemePhonlexExcitation = 0.040000 # PB->POL Excitation parameter.
    PhonemePhonlexInhibition = 0.160000 # PB->POL Inhibition parameter.
    PhonemeLateralInhibition = 0.147000 # PB->PB Inhibition parameter.
    PhonemeGPCExcitation     = 0.040000 # PB->GPC Excitation parameter.
    PhonemeGPCInhibition     = 0.160000 # PB->GPC Inhibition parameter.
    PhonemeUnsupportedDecay  = 0.050000 # PB activation decay (after activation determined).
    PhonemeNoise             = 0.000000 # PB Noise N/I.
    PhonemeDecay             = 0.000000 # PB Decay (Theta).
    GPCLetterExcitation      = 0.051000 # GPC->LL Excitation parameter N/I.
    GPCLetterInhibition      = 0.000000 # GPC->LL Inhibition parameter N/I.
    GPCLateralInhibition     = 0.000000 # GPC->GPC Lateral Inhibition parameter N/I.
    GPCPhonemeExcitation     = 0.051000 # GPC->PB Excitation parameter
    GPCPhonemeInhibition     = 0.000000 # GPC->PB Inhibition parameter N/I.
    GPCNoise                 = 0.000000 # GPC Noise N/I.
    GPCDecay                 = 0.000000 # GPC Decay (Theta) N/I.
    GPCCriticalPhonology     = 0.050000 # GPC LL->GPC Letter Shift, PB Phoneme Activation Threshold
    Thresh_FL2FLi            = 0.000000 # Threshold for FL to FL Lateral Inhibition N/I.
    Thresh_FL2LLe            = 0.000000 # Threshold for FL to LL Excitation N/I.
    Thresh_FL2LLi            = 0.000000 # Threshold for FL to LL Inhibition N/I.
    Thresh_LL2FLe            = 0.000000 # Threshold for LL to FL Excitation N/I.
    Thresh_LL2FLi            = 0.000000 # Threshold for LL to FL Inhibition N/I.
    Thresh_LL2LLi            = 0.000000 # Threshold for LL to LL Lateral Inhibition.
    Thresh_LL2OILe           = 0.000000 # Threshold for LL to OIL Excitation.
    Thresh_LL2OILi           = 0.000000 # Threshold for LL to OIL Inhibition.
    Thresh_LL2GPCe           = 0.000000 # Threshold for LL to GPC Excitation.
    Thresh_LL2GPCi           = 0.000000 # Threshold for LL to GPC Inhibition N/I.
    Thresh_OIL2LLe           = 0.000000 # Threshold for OIL to LL Excitation.
    Thresh_OIL2LLi           = 0.000000 # Threshold for OIL to LL Inhibition.
    Thresh_OIL2OILi          = 0.000000 # Threshold for OIL to OIL Lateral Inhibition.
    Thresh_OIL2POLe          = 0.000000 # Threshold for OIL to POL Excitation.
    Thresh_OIL2POLi          = 0.000000 # Threshold for OIL to POL Inhibition.
    Thresh_POL2OILe          = 0.000000 # Threshold for POL to OIL Excitation.
    Thresh_POL2OILi          = 0.000000 # Threshold for POL to OIL Inhibition.
    Thresh_POL2POLi          = 0.000000 # Threshold for POL to POL Lateral Inhibition
    Thresh_POL2PBe           = 0.000000 # Threshold for POL to PB Excitation.
    Thresh_POL2PBi           = 0.000000 # Threshold for POL to PB Inhibition.
    Thresh_PB2POLe           = 0.000000 # Threshold for PB to POL Excitation.
    Thresh_PB2POLi           = 0.000000 # Threshold for PB to POL Inhibition.
    Thresh_PB2PBi            = 0.000000 # Threshold for PB to PB Lateral Inhibition.
    Thresh_PB2GPCe           = 0.000000 # Threshold for PB to GPC Excitation N/I.
    Thresh_PB2GPCi           = 0.000000 # Threshold for PB to GPC Inhibition N/I.
    Thresh_GPC2LLe           = 0.000000 # Threshold for GPC to LL Excitation N/I.
    Thresh_GPC2LLi           = 0.000000 # Threshold for GPC to LL Inhibition N/I.
    Thresh_GPC2GPCi          = 0.000000 # Threshold for GPC to GPC Lateral Inhibition N/I.
    Thresh_GPC2PBe           = 0.000000 # Threshold for GPC to PB Excitation.
    Thresh_GPC2PBi           = 0.000000 # Threshold for GPC to PB Inhibition N/I.
    GateLvl_FL2FLi           = 0.000000 # Gate Level for FL to FL Lateral Inhibition N/I.
    GateLvl_FL2LLe           = 0.000000 # Gate Level for FL to LL Excitation N/I.
    GateLvl_FL2LLi           = 0.000000 # Gate Level for FL to LL Inhibition N/I.
    GateLvl_LL2FLe           = 0.000000 # Gate Level for LL to FL Excitation N/I.
    GateLvl_LL2FLi           = 0.000000 # Gate Level for LL to FL Inhibition N/I.
    GateLvl_LL2LLi           = 0.000000 # Gate Level for LL to LL Lateral Inhibition.
    GateLvl_LL2OILe          = 0.000000 # Gate Level for LL to OIL Excitation.
    GateLvl_LL2OILi          = 0.000000 # Gate Level for LL to OIL Inhibition.
    GateLvl_LL2GPCe          = 0.000000 # Gate Level for LL to GPC Excitation N/I.
    GateLvl_LL2GPCi          = 0.000000 # Gate Level for LL to GPC Inhibition N/I.
    GateLvl_OIL2LLe          = 0.000000 # Gate Level for OIL to LL Excitation.
    GateLvl_OIL2LLi          = 0.000000 # Gate Level for OIL to LL Inhibition.
    GateLvl_OIL2OILi         = 0.000000 # Gate Level for OIL to OIL Lateral Inhibition.
    GateLvl_OIL2POLe         = 0.000000 # Gate Level for OIL to POL Excitation.
    GateLvl_OIL2POLi         = 0.000000 # Gate Level for OIL to POL Inhibition.
    GateLvl_POL2OILe         = 0.000000 # Gate Level for POL to OIL Excitation.
    GateLvl_POL2OILi         = 0.000000 # Gate Level for POL to OIL Inhibition.
    GateLvl_POL2POLi         = 0.000000 # Gate Level for POL to POL Lateral Inhibition.
    GateLvl_POL2PBe          = 0.000000 # Gate Level for POL to PB Excitation.
    GateLvl_POL2PBi          = 0.000000 # Gate Level for POL to PB Inhibition.
    GateLvl_PB2POLe          = 0.000000 # Gate Level for PB to POL Excitation.
    GateLvl_PB2POLi          = 0.000000 # Gate Level for PB to POL Inhibition.
    GateLvl_PB2PBi           = 0.000000 # Gate Level for PB to PB Lateral Inhibition.
    GateLvl_PB2GPCe          = 0.000000 # Gate Level for PB to GPC Excitation N/I.
    GateLvl_PB2GPCi          = 0.000000 # Gate Level for PB to GPC Inhibition N/I.
    GateLvl_GPC2LLe          = 0.000000 # Gate Level for GPC to LL Excitation N/I.
    GateLvl_GPC2LLi          = 0.000000 # Gate Level for GPC to LL Inhibition N/I.
    GateLvl_GPC2GPCi         = 0.000000 # Gate Level for GPC to GPC Lateral Inhibition N/I.
    GateLvl_GPC2PBe          = 0.000000 # Gate Level for GPC to PB Excitation.
    GateLvl_GPC2PBi          = 0.000000 # Gate Level for GPC to PB Inhibition.
    LanguageDirectory        = english1.1.6 # Subdirectory of Language where driver files exist. N/I
    OutputDirectory          = .        # Directory where output files and directories are created.
    OutputRTFileExt          = rt       # RT File extention.
    OutputActivationFileExt  = acts     # ACTS File extension.
    CmdFile                  =          # Command file to load.
    SimParam                 = (null)   # Parameters for simulation N/I.
    FileNameBatchFile        = (null)   # Batch file name.
    TestWord                 = (null)   # Current test word.
    AutoReset                = true     # Auto reset core activations between test words N/I.
    ApplyGPCRules            = false    # Display GPC rules for given word N/I.
    ApplyGPCStressRules      = false    # Display GPC stress rules for given word N/I.
    ListIrregularStressWords = false    # List Irregular Stress Words in vocabulary N/I.
    ListIrregularWords       = false    # List Irregular Words in vocabulary N/I.
    ListRegularWords         = false    # List Regular Words in vocabulary N/I.
    ListWhammies             = false    # List the Whammies for a word N/I.
    NoOutputFiles            = false    # Do not generate output files N/I.
    ReportExtraInfo          = false    # Report extra info. in screen output & RT/stats files N/I.
    ReportSimDuration        = false    # Report simulation duration(s) in ms N/I.
    RunForMaxCycles          = false    # Force program to run to MaxCycles N/I.
    SaveActivationLvls       = false    # Save activation levels in ACTS file.
    SeparateHomographemes    = false    # Separate each instance of the Homographeme entries.
    SeparateHomophones       = false    # Separate each instance of the Homophone entries.
    TestBatchOnly            = false    # Test Batch file for correctness only.
    Verbalize                = false    # Convert the output phonemes to sound N/I.
    Neighbourhood            = false    # Report first-order orthographic neighbours of test word(s).
    DRC12UnSupDecayTrigErr   = false    # Turn on compensation for the DRC1.2 Unsupported Decay Trigger Error
    CFSPOLEqualOIL           = false    # Set POL CFSi value to corresponding OIL CFSi value
    Debug                    = false    # Display the input lines for Generic/Batch lexors N/I.
    Warnings                 = false    # Display warnings for word-size, and homo-phone/graph CFS changes N/I.
    Extended                 = false    # Extended format on output N/I.
    FLDRC                    = true     # Display FL activations (per feature/column) N/I.
    FLDRCT                   = false    # Display FL Total line (TF line) N/I.
    FLTimeT                  = false    # Display output FL time-T calculated activation array N/I.
    FLTimeTp1                = false    # Display output FL time-(T+1) calculated activation array N/I.
    LLDRC                    = true     # Display LL activations (per active letter/column) N/I.
    LLDRCT                   = true     # Display the DRC Totals for the LL (TL line) N/I.
    LLFromFL                 = false    # Display input E/I activations array from FL N/I.
    LLFromLL                 = false    # Display lateral inhibition activations array from LL N/I.
    LLFromOIL                = false    # Display input E/I activations array from OIL N/I.
    LLTimeT                  = false    # Display output LL time-T calculated activation array N/I.
    LLTimeTp1                = false    # Display output LL time-(T+1) calculated activation array N/I.
    OILDRC                   = true     # Display OIL activations (per active word) N/I.
    OILDRCT                  = true     # Display the DRC Totals for the OIL (TO line) N/I.
    OILFromLL                = false    # Display input E/I activations array from LL N/I.
    OILFromOIL               = false    # Display lateral inhibitions activations array from OIL N/I.
    OILFromPOL               = false    # Display input E/I activations array from POL N/I.
    OILTimeT                 = false    # Display output OIL time-T calculated activation array N/I.
    OILTimeTp1               = false    # Display output OIL time-(T+1) calculated activation array N/I.
    POLDRC                   = true     # Display POL activations (per active phonemic word) N/I.
    POLDRCT                  = true     # Display the DRC Totals for the POL (TP line) N/I.
    POLFromOIL               = false    # Display input E/I activations array from OIL N/I.
    POLFromPOL               = false    # Display lateral inhibitions activations array from POL N/I.
    POLFromPB                = false    # Display input E/I activations array from PB N/I.
    POLTimeT                 = false    # Display output POL time-T calculated activation array N/I.
    POLTimeTp1               = false    # Display output POL time-(T+1) calculated activation array N/I.
    PBDRC                    = true     # Display PB activations (per active phoneme/column) N/I.
    PBDRCT                   = true     # Display the DRC Totals for the PB (TPh line) N/I.
    PBFromPOL                = false    # Display input E/I activations array from POL N/I.
    PBFromPB                 = false    # Display lateral inhibitions activations array from PB N/I.
    PBFromGPC                = false    # Display input E/I activations array from GPC N/I.
    PBTimeT                  = false    # Display output PB time-T calculated activation array N/I.
    PBTimeTp1                = false    # Display output PB time-(T+1) calculated activation array N/I.
    GPCDRC                   = true     # Display GPC activations (per active GPC phoneme/column) N/I.
    GPCDRCT                  = true     # Display the DRC Totals for the GPC (TGPC line) N/I.
    GPCRDRC                  = true     # Display GPC activations (per active GPCR phoneme/column) N/I.
    GPCRDRCT                 = true     # Display the DRC Totals for the GPCR (TGPCR line) N/I.
    GPCFromLL                = false    # Display input E/I activations array from LL N/I.
    GPCTimeT                 = false    # Display output GPC time-T calculated activation array N/I.
    GPCTimeTp1               = false    # Display output GPC time-(T+1) calculated activation array N/I.
    GPCRTimeT                = false    # Display output GPCR time-T calculated activation array N/I.
    GPCRTimeTp1              = false    # Display output GPCR time-(T+1) calculated activation array N/I.
    ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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