OpenDRC: An Open-Source Implementation
of the DRC Model

 DRCTest: OpenDRC Test Facility

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DRCTest is the OpenDRC helper program used to test for difference in the .drc output directories produced by OpenDRC/DRC1.2/DRC1.2.1. This program, while compairing any two output directories, will find differences in the corresponding output RT, STATS, Parameter, or ACTS files produced. The RT, STATS and Parameter files will be tested like the standard Linux diff command.

Each individual ACTS file will be tested against it's corresponding ACTS file in the other directory. However, the test will look for structural differences in the file (added or missing lines for example) but will ignore any activation differences that do not exceed given thresholds. The default thresholds for the individual activation lines are 0.0000015, and for the activation total lines 0.00000375. The reason for this facility is that OpenDRC and DRC1.2 calculations suffer from floating point roundoff errors. Since these errors are minimal they can safely be ignored. However, command line parameters are available for the researcher to adjust these two thresholds.

DRCTest was used during the development of OpenDRC to verify that OpenDRC conformed to the specifications of DRC1.2. Differences between the operation of both programs on a particular dataset will be exposed with DRCTest. This was how the Unsupported Decay Error was discovered in the Windows version of DRC1.2.

DRCTest produces two output files: DRCTest.txt and DRCTotals.txt (see bottom of page).

DRCTest Examples:

  • To run DRCTest from a directory different from the two test directories:

         DRCTest -b <new-dir> <old-dir>

  • DRCTest can be run with a single directory when testing within the old test directory.

         DRCTest <new-directory>

    ... and the results would look something like this (This example is the top portion of the DRCTest run for the vocabulary-words batch file run of OpenDRC1.1 vs. DRC1.2.1. NOTE: The Parameter file comparison is large because OpenDRC outputs a annotated Parameter file and DRC1.2.1 does not, otherwise they are identical):
        DRCTest comparison of directories:
          Old: 'OfficialTests\DRC1.2USDError_Fix_Check\DRC1.2_allwords.drc'
          New: 'allwords.drc'
          Error Threshold(A):          0.00000150
          Error Totals Multiplier(B):        2.50
          Error Totals Threshold(A*B): 0.00000375
        Processing RT files:
                NEW: allwords.drc\allwords.RT (8031)
                OLD: OfficialTests\DRC1.2USDError_Fix_Check\DRC1.2_allwords.drc\allwords.RT (8031)
                Old: 'pooh phu 101 NAMED CORRECT' (4665)
                New: 'pooh phu 100 NAMED CORRECT' (4665)
                Old: 'scrounged skr6n_ 86 NAMED WRONG' (5465)
                New: 'scrounged skr6n_ 86 NAMED CORRECT' (5465)
                Old: 'straights str1t 79 NAMED WRONG' (6604)
                New: 'straights str1t 79 NAMED CORRECT' (6604)
                Old: 'strengths strENT 80 NAMED WRONG' (6631)
                New: 'strengths strENT 80 NAMED CORRECT' (6631)
        Processing STATS files:
                NEW: allwords.drc\allwords.stats (8)
                OLD: OfficialTests\DRC1.2USDError_Fix_Check\DRC1.2_allwords.drc\allwords.stats (7)
                Old: '                   CORRECT                        WRONG' (1)
                Old: '           Named    Lowac    Total       Named    Lowac    Total' (2)
                Old: 'Count:      7999        0     7999          25        7       32' (3)
                Old: 'Mean:     75.939        -   75.939     103.840 1000.000  299.875' (4)
                Old: 'StdDev:   10.814        -   10.814      10.212    0.000  370.581' (5)
                Old: 'Total Count: 8031 Mean: 76.831 StdDev: 29.372' (6)
                New: '
        ' (1)
                New: '                   CORRECT                       WRONG' (2)
                New: '           Named    Lowac    Total      Named    Lowac    Total' (3)
                New: 'Count:      8002        0     8002         22        7       29' (4)
                New: 'Mean:     75.941        -   75.941    106.864  1000.000  322.448' (5)
                New: 'StdDev:   10.813        -   10.813      6.405    0.000  382.231' (6)
                New: 'Total Count: 8031 Mean:  76.831 StdDev:  29.372' (7)
        Processing Parameter files:
                NEW: allwords.drc\parameters (51)
                OLD: OfficialTests\DRC1.2USDError_Fix_Check\DRC1.2_allwords.drc\parameters (41)
                Old: '# DRC Parameters File' (0)
                Old: '
        ' (1)
                New: '#' (0)
                New: '# OpenDRC Parameters File' (1)
                New: '#' (2)
                New: '#  Run Date: Thu Apr 21,2011' (3)
                New: '#  Run Time: 14:59:09' (4)
                New: '#' (5)
                Old: 'ActivationRate 0.2' (3)
                Old: 'FrequencyScale 0.05' (4)
                Old: 'MinReadingPhonology 0.4' (5)
                Old: '
        ' (6)
                New: 'ActivationRate           = 0.200000 # Scaling of input excitation/inhibition/CFS values (Epsilon)' (7)
                New: 'FrequencyScale           = 0.050000 # Scaling for written and spoken CFS values' (8)
                New: 'MinReadingPhonology      = 0.400000 # Word recognition threshold value' (9)
                New: '#' (10)
                Old: 'FeatureLetterExcitation 0.005' (8)
                Old: 'FeatureLetterInhibition 0.15' (9)
                Old: '
        ' (10)
                New: 'FeatureLetterExcitation  = 0.005000 # FL->LL Excitation parameter.' (12)
                New: 'FeatureLetterInhibition  = 0.150000 # FL->LL Inhibition parameter.' (13)
                New: '#' (14)
                Old: 'LetterOrthlexExcitation 0.07' (12)
                Old: 'LetterOrthlexInhibition 0.48' (13)
                Old: 'LetterLateralInhibition 0' (14)
                Old: '
        ' (15)
                New: 'LetterOrthlexExcitation  = 0.070000 # LL->OIL Excitation parameter.' (16)
                New: 'LetterOrthlexInhibition  = 0.480000 # LL->OIL Inhibition parameter.' (17)
                New: 'LetterLateralInhibition  = 0.000000 # LL->LL Inhibition parameter.' (18)
                New: '#' (19)
                Old: 'OrthlexPhonlexExcitation 0.25' (17)
                Old: 'OrthlexPhonlexInhibition 0' (18)
                Old: 'OrthlexLetterExcitation 0.3' (19)
                Old: 'OrthlexLetterInhibition 0' (20)
                Old: 'OrthlexLateralInhibition 0.06' (21)
                Old: '
        ' (22)
                New: 'OrthlexPhonlexExcitation = 0.250000 # OIL->POL Excitation parameter.' (21)
                New: 'OrthlexPhonlexInhibition = 0.000000 # OIL->POL Inhibition parameter.' (22)
                New: 'OrthlexLetterExcitation  = 0.300000 # OIL->LL Excitation parameter.' (23)
                New: 'OrthlexLetterInhibition  = 0.000000 # OIL->LL Inhibition parameter.' (24)
                New: 'OrthlexLateralInhibition = 0.060000 # OIL->OIL Inhibition parameter.' (25)
                New: '#' (26)
                Old: 'PhonlexPhonemeExcitation 0.09' (24)
                Old: 'PhonlexPhonemeInhibition 0' (25)
                Old: 'PhonlexOrthlexExcitation 0.25' (26)
                Old: 'PhonlexOrthlexInhibition 0' (27)
                Old: 'PhonlexLateralInhibition 0.07' (28)
                Old: '
        ' (29)
                New: 'PhonlexPhonemeExcitation = 0.090000 # POL->PB Excitation parameter.' (28)
                New: 'PhonlexPhonemeInhibition = 0.000000 # POL->PB Inhibition parameter.' (29)
                New: 'PhonlexOrthlexExcitation = 0.250000 # POL->OIL Excitation parameter.' (30)
                New: 'PhonlexOrthlexInhibition = 0.000000 # POL->OIL Inhibition parameter.' (31)
                New: 'PhonlexLateralInhibition = 0.070000 # POL->POL Inhibition parameter.' (32)
                New: '#' (33)
                Old: 'PhonemePhonlexExcitation 0.04' (31)
                Old: 'PhonemePhonlexInhibition 0.16' (32)
                Old: 'PhonemeLateralInhibition 0.147' (33)
                Old: 'PhonemeUnsupportedDecay 0.05' (34)
                Old: '
        ' (35)
                New: 'PhonemePhonlexExcitation = 0.040000 # PB->POL Excitation parameter.' (35)
                New: 'PhonemePhonlexInhibition = 0.160000 # PB->POL Inhibition parameter.' (36)
                New: 'PhonemeLateralInhibition = 0.147000 # PB->PB Inhibition parameter.' (37)
                New: 'PhonemeUnsupportedDecay  = 0.050000 # PB activation decay (after activation determined).' (38)
                New: '#' (39)
                Old: 'GPCPhonemeExcitation 0.051' (37)
                Old: 'GPCCriticalPhonology 0.05' (38)
                Old: 'GPCOnset 26' (39)
                Old: '
        ' (40)
                New: 'GPCPhonemeExcitation     = 0.051000 # GPC->PB Excitation parameter' (41)
                New: 'GPCCriticalPhonology     = 0.050000 # GPC LL->GPC Letter Shift, PB Phoneme Activation Threshold' (42)
                New: 'GPCOnset                 = 26       # Cycles before first letter available to GPCRoute' (43)
                New: '#' (44)
                New: '#' (45)
                New: '# Parameters differing from DEFAULT:' (46)
                New: 'ReportActGreater         = 0.000000 # Report activations greater than this threshold.' (47)
                New: 'SaveActivationLvls       = true     # Save activation levels in ACTS file.' (48)
                New: '#' (49)
                New: '#' (50)
        Processing ACTS files:
                NEW: allwords.drc\myrrh.acts (3603)
                OLD: OfficialTests\DRC1.2USDError_Fix_Check\DRC1.2_allwords.drc\myrrh.acts (3479)
                Old: 'Cycle51 GPCRoute myrrh (A)m->m (m)y->I (A)rr->r h->?' (1221)
                New: 'Cycle51 GPCRoute myrrh (A)m->m (m)y->I (A)r->r (A)rh->r' (1221)
                New: 'Cycle51 GPC3 # r'  #=0.808745 (1225)
                New: 'Cycle51 P3 # r'  #=0.008249 (1231)
                Old: 'TGPC Cycle51 #'  #=2.426235 (1233)
                Old: 'TPh Cycle51 #'  #=0.440521 (1234)
                New: 'TGPC Cycle51 #'  #=3.234980 (1235)
                New: 'TPh Cycle51 #'  #=0.448770 (1236)
                Old: 'Cycle52 GPCRoute myrrh+ (A)m->m (m)y->I (A)rr->r h->?' (1253)
                New: 'Cycle52 GPCRoute myrrh (A)m->m (m)y->I (A)r->r (A)rh->r' (1255)
                Old: 'Cycle52 GPC3 # +'  #=0.821233 (1257)
                New: 'Cycle52 GPC3 # r'  #=0.821233 (1259)
                Old: 'Cycle52 P3 # +'  #=0.008377 (1263)
                New: 'Cycle52 P3 # r'  #=0.016557 (1265)
                Old: 'TPh Cycle52 #'  #=0.483108 (1268)
                New: 'TPh Cycle52 #'  #=0.491288 (1270)
                Old: 'Cycle53 GPCRoute myrrh+ (A)m->m (m)y->I (A)rr->r h->?' (1287)
                New: 'Cycle53 GPCRoute myrrh (A)m->m (m)y->I (A)r->r (A)rh->r' (1289)
                Old: 'Cycle53 GPC3 # +'  #=0.833062 (1291)
                New: 'Cycle53 GPC3 # r'  #=0.833062 (1293)
                Old: 'Cycle53 P3 # +'  #=0.016803 (1297)
                New: 'Cycle53 P3 # r'  #=0.024913 (1299)
                Old: 'TPh Cycle53 #'  #=0.526079 (1302)
                New: 'TPh Cycle53 #'  #=0.534189 (1304)
                Old: 'Cycle54 GPCRoute myrrh+ (A)m->m (m)y->I (A)rr->r h->?' (1321)
                New: 'Cycle54 GPCRoute myrrh (A)m->m (m)y->I (A)r->r (A)rh->r' (1323)

OpenDRC help:

Help for DRCTest can be obtained by issuing the command DRCTest -h which will display:

    Usage: DRCTest {-acts|-rt|-stats|-{et|em|ml} <num>|-o <ofile>} <NewDir> {<OldDir>}
      With respect to the files in the <OldDir> and <NewDir>
      <OldDir> and <NewDir> default to the current directory
        -acts     Toggle the ACTS file testing (Default: On),
        -rt       Toggle the RT file testing (Default: On),
        -stats    Toggle the STATS file testing (Default: On),
        -param    Toggle the Parameter file testing (Default: On),
        -et<num>  Set the error threshold to <num> (Default: 0.0000015)
        -em<num>  Set the totals error multiplier (Default: 2.5)
        -ml<num>  Set maximum lines to compare (Default: 1000)
        -o <file> Send output report to <ofile> (Default: DRCTest.txt),
        -h        This help message

Error Threshold:

The Error Threshold was implemented in DRCTest to deal with the rounding problem in the activation values of OpenDRC when compared to DRC1.2. On a small number of node activation values for a typical test case the OpenDRC and DRC1.2 values would differ in the least significant figure (i.e. 0.000001). Since this difference seemed to be attributable to rounding errors it was considered insignificant. Thus for the DRCTest report highlighting these rounding errors would be pointless and would tend to obscure the real errors.

However, it was also realized that if these rounding errors became large this would be of concern. Thus a threshold parameter was implemented to mark when these errors became significant and thus report them. Since the activation for the layer totals accumulate all the individual activations, and their rounding errors, the thresholding for the layer totals is somewhat higher and is determined as a multiple of the threshold for the individual activations.

OpenDRC Output Files:

DRCTest will produce two output files for each run: DRCTest.txt and DRCTotals.txt. The purpose of the DRCTotals.txt file is to allow checking of the final activation totals for each input and layer of the model from one run to the next. An example of the DRCTotals.txt file (top few lines) for the entire-vocabulary batch file is shown below:

                    Old       Old       Old       Old     Old       Old        Old        New       New       New       New     New       New        New    
    Filename        Cycles    TL        TO        TP      TGPC      TGPCR      TPh        Cycles    TL        TO        TP      TGPC      TGPCR      TPh    
    a.acts              83  7.918721  0.999773  0.941465  1.978057  0.000000  1.198325        83  7.918721  0.999773  0.941465  1.978057  0.000000  1.198325
    ace.acts            75  7.774066  0.995438  0.784286  2.908535  0.000000  1.330626        75  7.774065  0.995438  0.784286  2.908535  0.000000  1.330626
    ache.acts          104  7.975804  0.999948  0.892192  2.990202  0.000000  1.831712       104  7.975805  0.999948  0.892192  2.990202  0.000000  1.831713
    ached.acts         105  7.977427  0.999955  0.903696  3.987812  2.990859  2.590605       105  7.977427  0.999955  0.903696  3.987811  2.990859  2.590605
    aches.acts         115  7.989333  0.999989  0.859814  4.992800  0.000000  2.731116       115  7.989332  0.999989  0.859814  4.992799  0.000000  2.731116
    act.acts            65  7.589221  0.989569  0.799373  3.778371  0.000000  1.712995        65  7.589221  0.989569  0.799373  3.778371  0.000000  1.712994
    acts.acts           67  7.623394  0.990398  0.804004  4.745996  0.000000  2.142757        67  7.623394  0.990398  0.804004  4.745995  0.000000  2.142757
    ad.acts             66  7.630669  1.291871  0.805170  2.842752  0.000000  1.277251        66  7.630669  1.291872  0.805170  2.842752  0.000000  1.277251
    add.acts            65  7.627223  1.259994  0.804648  2.846117  0.000000  1.276476        65  7.627221  1.259994  0.804648  2.846117  0.000000  1.276476
    adds.acts           70  7.687630  0.992794  0.802572  3.831425  0.000000  1.779910        70  7.687630  0.992794  0.802572  3.831425  0.000000  1.779910
    ads.acts            71  7.695808  0.992783  0.803371  3.835839  0.000000  1.792317        71  7.695809  0.992783  0.803371  3.835839  0.000000  1.792317
    adze.acts           72  7.684597  0.991386  0.799519  3.829806  0.000000  1.803569        72  7.684597  0.991386  0.799519  3.829806  0.000000  1.803569
    aft.acts           137  7.997979  1.000000  0.989879  3.998909  0.000000  3.338436       137  7.997980  1.000000  0.989879  3.998909  0.000000  3.338436
    age.acts            68  7.676345  0.993319  0.802613  2.868996  0.000000  1.282591        68  7.676346  0.993319  0.802614  2.868997  0.000000  1.282592
    aged.acts           72  7.740624  0.994990  0.806583  3.860001  0.000000  1.748347        72  7.740624  0.994990  0.806583  3.860001  0.000000  1.748347
    ah.acts             65  7.581070  0.989366  0.802054  1.886989  0.000000  0.851003        65  7.581069  0.989366  0.802054  1.886988  0.000000  0.851003
    aid.acts            67  7.675333  1.265515  0.805353  2.862691  0.000000  1.245814        67  7.675333  1.265515  0.805353  2.862691  0.000000  1.245814
    aide.acts           68  7.681417  1.294733  0.806951  2.869317  0.000000  1.243943        68  7.681416  1.294733  0.806951  2.869317  0.000000  1.243943
    aides.acts          70  7.673992  0.991655  0.787617  3.824080  0.000000  1.676659        70  7.673991  0.991655  0.787617  3.824080  0.000000  1.676659
    aids.acts           70  7.677716  0.991929  0.788932  3.826086  0.000000  1.682742        70  7.677715  0.991929  0.788932  3.826086  0.000000  1.682742
    ail.acts            71  7.701602  0.992662  0.768043  2.879225  0.000000  1.273058        71  7.701602  0.992662  0.768043  2.879225  0.000000  1.273058
    ailed.acts          73  7.711349  0.992166  0.774290  3.844232  0.000000  1.725913        73  7.711347  0.992166  0.774290  3.844232  0.000000  1.725913
    ails.acts           74  7.734836  0.993453  0.786890  3.856893  0.000000  1.749260        74  7.734836  0.993453  0.786890  3.856893  0.000000  1.749260
    aim.acts            68  7.651315  0.991386  0.780742  2.858886  0.000000  1.255748        68  7.651316  0.991386  0.780742  2.858886  0.000000  1.255748
    aimed.acts          70  7.689713  0.992639  0.786255  3.832552  0.000000  1.686841        70  7.689715  0.992639  0.786255  3.832552  0.000000  1.686841
    aims.acts           69  7.668838  0.991973  0.790474  3.821295  0.000000  1.679468        69  7.668837  0.991973  0.790474  3.821295  0.000000  1.679468
    air.acts            70  7.721375  0.994918  0.804100  1.924806  0.000000  0.854877        70  7.721375  0.994918  0.804099  1.924806  0.000000  0.854877
    aired.acts          75  7.763401  0.994730  0.774443  2.904223  2.904223  1.272831        75  7.763400  0.994730  0.774443  2.904223  2.904223  1.272831
    airs.acts           75  7.768180  0.995062  0.780058  2.906155  0.000000  1.292588        75  7.768180  0.995062  0.780058  2.906155  0.000000  1.292588
    aisle.acts         111  7.986255  0.999987  0.936991  3.992579  0.000000  2.102594       111  7.986256  0.999987  0.936991  3.992579  0.000000  2.102594
    aisles.acts        116  7.990242  0.999993  0.938383  5.992097  0.000000  3.239523       116  7.990242  0.999993  0.938383  5.992096  0.000000  3.239523
    aitch.acts          75  7.751392  0.994067  0.780474  2.899367  0.000000  1.312191        75  7.751392  0.994067  0.780474  2.899367  0.000000  1.312191
    al.acts             67  7.608918  0.989100  0.777202  2.841754  0.000000  1.297282        67  7.608917  0.989100  0.777202  2.841754  0.000000  1.297282
    alb.acts            72  7.667901  0.989464  0.766564  3.820823  0.000000  1.727008        72  7.667902  0.989464  0.766564  3.820823  0.000000  1.727008
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